SchemaSpy Analysis of pathways_us_2017-1-15.publicThis schema analysis is based on the U.S. database for EnergyPATHWAYS, maintained by Evolved Energy Research, and row counts reflect the dated version. Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Tue Jan 17 22:23 PST 2017
Database Type: PostgreSQL - 9.5.1

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Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Comments
AgeGrowthOrDecayType 11 2 2
BlendMeasuresData 6 view
BlendNodeBlendMeasurePackages 2 1 3 37
BlendNodeBlendMeasurePackagesData 2 3 76
BlendNodeBlendMeasures 2 6 9 74
BlendNodeBlendMeasuresData 3 6 623
BlendNodeInputsData 2 3 53
CapitalCostOutputs 10 view
CleaningMethods 108 2 8 Cleaning methods are used to interpolate or extrapolate to missing years of data.
Currencies 17 2 42 List of currencies supported, either for input or output.
CurrenciesConversion 4 551 Conversion factors between each currency for each supported year.
CurrencyYears 16 1 17 List of supported years for currency conversion. Inputs must fall within this list.
DayType 1 2 2 Work-day or non-workday
Definitions 17 2 2 In reference to a technology attribute, are the inputs absolute or relative to another technology?
Demand Technologies - Auxiliary Efficiency 14 view
Demand Technologies - Capital Costs 13 view
Demand Technologies - Fixed OM 12 view
Demand Technologies - Fuel Switching Costs 13 view
Demand Technologies - Main Efficiency 14 view
Demand Technologies - Parasitic Energy 11 view
Demand Techs - Installation Costs 13 view
DemandCases 2 2 16 List of demand cases. This is a grouping of packages on the demand side.
DemandCasesData 2 2 504 Matches the packages for each subsector in DemandCasesData to each demand case in DemandCases.
DemandCO2CaptureMeasures 8 16 0
DemandDrivers 14 8 13 60 List of demand driver records, the function of which is explained here:
DemandDriversData 4 7 22,755 Timeseries data (by year) associated with each demand driver record.
DemandEnergyDemands 1 12 17 47 For each demand subsector, what is the historical, or projected, energy demand?
DemandEnergyDemandsData 5 9 94,949 Timeseries data (by year) associated with each energy demand record.
DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasurePackages 2 1 3 71
DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasurePackagesData 2 3 74
DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasures 4 8 16 72
DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasuresCost 8 12 55
DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasuresCostData 5 8 1,412
DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasuresData 5 8 240
DemandFlexibleLoadMeasurePackages 2 1 3 9
DemandFlexibleLoadMeasurePackagesData 2 3 9
DemandFlexibleLoadMeasures 2 5 7 9
DemandFlexibleLoadMeasuresData 1 6 18
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasurePackages 2 1 3 22
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasurePackagesData 2 3 33
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasures 7 4 10 30
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasuresCost 8 12 6
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasuresCostData 4 7 6
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasuresEnergyIntensity 6 8 30
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasuresEnergyIntensityData 4 7 31
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasuresImpact 7 10 30
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasuresImpactData 4 7 63
DemandSales 1 7 8 10 Demand sales by vintage within certain subsectors. Sales are specified by vintage.
DemandSalesData 5 8 3,319 Vintage by technology sales inputs.
DemandSalesMeasurePackages 2 1 3 111
DemandSalesMeasurePackagesData 2 3 376
DemandSalesMeasures 2 8 11 357
DemandSalesMeasuresData 3 6 750
DemandSectors 21 5 4 Demand sectors act as a grouping for organization. Inputs here function as default values that trickle down to subsectors.
DemandServiceDemandMeasurePackages 2 1 3 14
DemandServiceDemandMeasurePackagesData 2 3 14
DemandServiceDemandMeasures 4 8 16 15
DemandServiceDemandMeasuresCost 8 12 0
DemandServiceDemandMeasuresCostData 4 7 0
DemandServiceDemandMeasuresData 4 7 60
DemandServiceDemands 1 12 17 17 Service demand input options for subsectors.
DemandServiceDemandsData 6 9 693 Annual input data for service demand records.
DemandServiceEfficiency 7 10 3 Service efficiency is the energy required per unit of service demand. This is rarely a direct input for a subsector, but is most of the time calculated as a function of technologies. One example from the U.S. database is freight rail, which is input in kiloBtu per ton mile.
DemandServiceEfficiencyData 5 8 323 Annual data inputs for the service efficiency records.
DemandServiceLink 1 2 5 6 Functionallity for linking the service demand of different subsectors. For instance, hot water is demanded for dish washing and if dish washers become more water efficient, the total demand for hot water will drop.
DemandStates 1 7 9 221 Matches different types of packages to demand subsectors.
DemandStock 1 13 17 24 Stock by technology input options for subsectors.
DemandStockData 5 8 1,876 Annual records for demand stock inputs.
DemandStockMeasurePackages 2 1 3 2
DemandStockMeasurePackagesData 2 3 4
DemandStockMeasures 2 6 9 5
DemandStockMeasuresData 3 6 70
DemandStockUnitTypes 1 2 3
DemandSubsectors 24 2 8 63 Subsectors are the main organizational unit on the demand side and serve as independent service activities with fungible technologies. It is possible to create a subsector using many different combinations of input data. For more information, see this section of the model documentation:
DemandTechEfficiencyTypes 2 2 2 Efficiency types include absolute or relative.
DemandTechs 25 5 19 234 Demand technologies get used across subsectors that have a stock.
DemandTechsAuxEfficiency 10 17 6
DemandTechsAuxEfficiencyData 4 7 101
DemandTechsCapitalCost 1 9 12 231 Capital cost records for each technology.
DemandTechsCapitalCostNewData 4 7 1,349 Capital cost for new demand technologies by vintage.
DemandTechsCapitalCostReplacementData 4 7 0
DemandTechsFixedMaintenanceCost 2 11 14 176 Annual fixed maintenance cost for each demand technology.
DemandTechsFixedMaintenanceCostData 4 7 352 Annual fixed maintenance cost for each demand technology by technology vintage.
DemandTechsFuelSwitchCost 1 10 12 11 Technology cost that comes from fuel switching. For example, switching from an internal combustion engine to a battery electric vehicle could incur a fuel switching cost, which is the cost of a home charging station. Note that this charge only happens once when the initial fuel switch occurs.
DemandTechsFuelSwitchCostData 4 7 20 Vingaged data for technology fuel switching cost.
DemandTechsInstallationCost 9 12 126 Installation cost record for a technology.
DemandTechsInstallationCostNewData 4 7 251 Installation cost record for a new technology by vintage.
DemandTechsInstallationCostReplacementData 4 7 0 Installation cost record for a replacement technology by vintage.
DemandTechsMainEfficiency 1 11 18 226 Efficiency for demand technologies.
DemandTechsMainEfficiencyData 4 7 1,784 Efficiency for demand technologies by vintage.
DemandTechsParasiticEnergy 8 13 6
DemandTechsParasiticEnergyData 5 8 21
DemandTechsServiceDemandModifier 7 9 19
DemandTechsServiceDemandModifierData 4 7 19
DemandTechsServiceLink 1 9 13 40
DemandTechsServiceLinkData 4 7 740
DemandTechUnitTypes 1 2 2
DispatchConfig 4 8 1
DispatchConstraintTypes 2 3
DispatchFeeders 1 2 3
DispatchFeedersAllocation 2 6 1
DispatchFeedersAllocationData 7 6
DispatchNodeConfig 1 3 4 5
DispatchNodeData 2 9 52
DispatchWindows 1 2 4
EfficiencyTypes 2 2 3
EnergyDemand 8 view
EnergyDemandData0Index 6 view
EnergyDemandData1Index 7 view
FinalEnergy 11 1 3 27
FlexibleLoadShiftTypes 1 2 3
Geographies 54 2 12
GeographiesData 62 1 3 3,293
GeographyIntersection 2 1 3,753
GeographyIntersectionData 2 3 45,036
GeographyMap 2 4 213,921
GeographyMapKeys 14 2 57
GreenhouseGasEmissionsType 1 2 2
GreenhouseGases 1 3 3
IDMap 2 30
ImportCost 1 6 10 13
ImportCostData 3 6 2,923
IndexLevels 3 26
InflationConversion 2 4 16
InputTypes 11 2 2
OtherIndexes 63 2 29
OtherIndexesData 67 1 3 163
OtherIndexesData_copy 1 3 163
OthIndex 2 view
PrimaryCost 7 9 11
PrimaryCostData 4 8 848
SalesMeasureNameTech 5 view
SalesMeasureReplacedTech 5 view
Scenarios 1 3 6 14
Shapes 5 10 12 35
ShapesData 4 14 784,032
ShapesTypes 1 2 2
ShapesUnits 1 2 2
StockDecayFunctions 7 2 3
StorageTechsCapacityCapitalCost 1 8 12 2
StorageTechsCapacityCapitalCostNewData 4 7 2
StorageTechsCapacityCapitalCostReplacementData 4 6 0
StorageTechsEnergyCapitalCost 1 8 11 1
StorageTechsEnergyCapitalCostNewData 4 7 9
StorageTechsEnergyCapitalCostReplacementData 4 7 0
SupplyCapacityFactor 1 4 8 2
SupplyCapacityFactorData 2 7 5
SupplyCases 2 2 12
SupplyCasesData 2 2 218
SupplyCost 1 7 18 11
SupplyCostData 3 7 4,035
SupplyCostTypes 1 2 3
SupplyEfficiency 1 4 9 29
SupplyEfficiencyData 5 9 1,225
SupplyEmissions 4 10 27
SupplyEmissionsData 6 9 57
SupplyExport 1 5 7 10
SupplyExportData 3 7 592
SupplyExportMeasurePackages 2 1 3 5
SupplyExportMeasurePackagesData 2 3 5
SupplyExportMeasures 2 5 8 5
SupplyExportMeasuresData 3 6 51
SupplyNodes 38 7 22 107
SupplyPotential 1 6 9 14
SupplyPotentialConversion 1 5 8 7
SupplyPotentialConversionData 3 7 33
SupplyPotentialData 4 8 5,846
SupplySales 1 5 8 17
SupplySalesData 4 8 6,571
SupplySalesMeasurePackages 2 1 3 0
SupplySalesMeasurePackagesData 2 3 0
SupplySalesMeasures 1 7 10 1
SupplySalesMeasuresData 4 8 0
SupplySalesShare 4 5 13
SupplySalesShareData 4 7 13
SupplySalesShareMeasurePackages 2 1 3 17
SupplySalesShareMeasurePackagesData 2 3 21
SupplySalesShareMeasures 2 7 12 18
SupplySalesShareMeasuresData 4 8 28
SupplyStates 1 6 8 97
SupplyStock 5 8 23
SupplyStockData 4 8 26,338
SupplyStockMeasurePackages 2 1 3 48
SupplyStockMeasurePackagesData 2 3 60
SupplyStockMeasures 2 7 12 60
SupplyStockMeasuresData 4 8 20,101
SupplyTechs 30 3 16 113
SupplyTechsCapacityFactor 1 7 9 52
SupplyTechsCapacityFactorData 3 7 392
SupplyTechsCapitalCost 1 9 15 104
SupplyTechsCapitalCostNewData 3 7 944
SupplyTechsCapitalCostReplacementData 3 7 1
SupplyTechsCO2Capture 1 7 9 28
SupplyTechsCO2CaptureData 2 6 28
SupplyTechsEfficiency 1 7 13 113
SupplyTechsEfficiencyData 5 9 4,556
SupplyTechsFixedMaintenanceCost 1 9 15 77
SupplyTechsFixedMaintenanceCostData 3 7 180
SupplyTechsInstallationCost 1 8 14 33
SupplyTechsInstallationCostNewData 3 7 209
SupplyTechsInstallationCostReplacementData 3 7 180
SupplyTechsVariableMaintenanceCost 1 9 14 81
SupplyTechsVariableMaintenanceCostData 3 7 68
SupplyTypes 1 2 6
TimeZones 1 3 8
Version 3 1
191 Tables     1,351 1,263,504  
15 Views     139