Table pathways_us_2017-1-15.public.DemandSubsectors
Subsectors are the main organizational unit on the demand side and serve as independent service activities with fungible technologies. It is possible to create a subsector using many different combinations of input data. For more information, see this section of the model documentation:

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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10  √  nextval('"DemandSubsectors_id_seq"'::regclass)
DemandCO2CaptureMeasures.subsector_id DemandCO2CaptureMeasures_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandEnergyDemands.subsector_id DemandEnergyDemands_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasurePackages.subsector_id DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasurePackages_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasures.subsector_id DemandEnergyEfficiencyMeasures_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandFlexibleLoadMeasurePackages.subsector_id DemandFlexibleLoadMeasurePackages_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandFlexibleLoadMeasures.subsector_id DemandFlexibleLoadMeasures_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasurePackages.subsector_id DemandFuelSwitchingMeasurePackages_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandFuelSwitchingMeasures.subsector_id DemandFuelSwitchingMeasures_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandSales.subsector_id DemandSales_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandSalesMeasurePackages.subsector_id DemandSalesMeasurePackages_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandSalesMeasures.subsector_id DemandSalesMeasures_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandServiceDemandMeasurePackages.subsector_id DemandServiceDemandMeasurePackages_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandServiceDemandMeasures.subsector_id DemandServiceDemandMeasures_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandServiceDemands.subsector_id DemandServiceDemands_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandServiceEfficiency.subsector_id DemandServiceEfficiency_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandServiceEfficiencyData.subsector_id DemandServiceEfficiencyData_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandServiceLink.linked_subsector_id DemandServiceLink_linked_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandServiceLink.subsector_id DemandServiceLink_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandStates.subsector_id DemandCasesData_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandStock.subsector_id DemandStock_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandStockMeasurePackages.subsector_id DemandStockMeasurePackages_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandStockMeasures.subsector_id DemandStockMeasures_subsector_id_fkey R
DemandTechs.subsector_id DemandTechs_subsector_id_fkey R
output_data.subsector output_data_subsector_fkey R
sector_id int4 10  √  null DemandSubsectors_sector_id_fkey R
Parent sector id.
name text 2147483647  √  null
cost_of_capital float4 8,8  √  null Cost of capital in the subsector.
is_active bool 1  √  false Boolean indicating whether to include a subsector in the analysis. Useful for testing.
shape_id int4 10  √  null DemandSubsectors_shape_id_fkey R
Electricity shape for subsector load used to create aggregate load shapes, bottom up. It is possible to separately specify shapes by technology within a subsector.
max_lead_hours int4 10  √  null Max lead hours refer to the number of hours that electricity service demand can be advanced in time. At the sector level, this acts as a default value that trickles down to all member subsectors. Note that this flexible load is further moderated by a demand flexible load package that control what percent of total subsector load is flexible year-by-year.
max_lag_hours int4 10  √  null Max lag hours refer to the number of hours that electricity service demand can be delayed in time. At the sector level, this acts as a default value that trickles down to all member subsectors. Note that this flexible load is further moderated by a demand flexible load package that control what percent of total subsector load is flexible year-by-year.

Table contained 63 rows at Tue Jan 17 22:23 PST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc DemandSubsectors_pkey

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