Table pathways_us_2017-1-15.public.DemandServiceLink
Functionallity for linking the service demand of different subsectors. For instance, hot water is demanded for dish washing and if dish washers become more water efficient, the total demand for hot water will drop.

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Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10  √  nextval('"DemandServiceLink_id_seq"'::regclass)
DemandTechsServiceLink.service_link_id DemandTechsServiceLink_service_link_id_fkey R
Unique id.
subsector_id int4 10  √  null DemandServiceLink_subsector_id_fkey R
Independent subsector in the link. In our example, this would be dishwashing.
linked_subsector_id int4 10  √  null DemandServiceLink_linked_subsector_id_fkey R
Dependent subsector. In our example, this would be hot water heating.
service_demand_share float4 8,8  √  null What share of the linked_subsector_id service demand comes from the subsector_id? For example, dishwashing might be responsible for 10% of hot water demand. Thus, if dishwashers doubled in efficiency, the demand for hot water would drop 5%.
year int4 10  √  null Basis year for the service demand share.

Table contained 6 rows at Tue Jan 17 22:23 PST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc DemandServiceLink_pkey

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