Table pathways_us_2017-1-15.public.DemandDrivers
List of demand driver records, the function of which is explained here:

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10  √  nextval('"DemandDrivers_id_seq"'::regclass)
DemandDrivers.base_driver_id DemandDrivers_base_driver_id_fkey R
DemandDriversData.parent_id DemandDriversData_parent_id_fkey R
DemandEnergyDemands.driver_1_id DemandEnergyDemands_driver_1_id_fkey R
DemandEnergyDemands.driver_2_id DemandEnergyDemands_driver_2_id_fkey R
DemandEnergyDemands.driver_denominator_1_id DemandEnergyDemands_driver_denominator_1_id_fkey R
DemandEnergyDemands.driver_denominator_2_id DemandEnergyDemands_driver_denominator_2_id_fkey R
DemandServiceDemands.driver_1_id DemandServiceDemands_driver_1_id_fkey R
DemandServiceDemands.driver_2_id DemandServiceDemands_driver_2_id_fkey R
DemandServiceDemands.driver_denominator_1_id DemandServiceDemands_driver_denominator_1_id_fkey R
DemandServiceDemands.driver_denominator_2_id DemandServiceDemands_driver_denominator_2_id_fkey R
DemandStock.driver_1_id DemandStock_driver_1_id_fkey R
DemandStock.driver_2_id DemandStock_driver_2_id_fkey R
DemandStock.driver_denominator_1_id DemandStock_driver_denominator_1_id_fkey R
DemandStock.driver_denominator_2_id DemandStock_driver_denominator_2_id_fkey R
name text 2147483647  √  null
base_driver_id int4 10  √  null DemandDrivers_base_driver_id_fkey R
A base driver means that this driver is actually linked to prior drivers. For example, residential square footage depends on the number of households, which depends on population. In this case, number of households is a base driver for residential square footage and population is a base driver for number of households.
input_type_id int4 10  √  null DemandDrivers_input_type_id_fkey R
Input data is either a total or an intensity.
unit_prefix int4 10  √  null This acts as a multiplier on the input data (e.g. 1,000,000s of people)
unit_base text 2147483647  √  null Demand driver units units
geography_id int4 10  √  null DemandDrivers_geography_id_fkey R
Input geography for the data (e.g. state). Each DemandDriversData record will identify which state.
other_index_1_id int4 10  √  null DemandDrivers_other_index_1_id_fkey R
First sub category for the input data (e.g. housing type)
other_index_2_id int4 10  √  null DemandDrivers_other_index_2_id_fkey R
Second sub category for the input data (e.g. housing type)
geography_map_key_id int4 10  √  null DemandDrivers_geography_map_key_id_fkey R
Basis for mapping between geographies. For example, if my input data is for the entire country and I want to allocate the data to each state, do it based on the proportional share of households in each state. In this case, number of households would be the geography map key. For more information, see:
interpolation_method_id int4 10  √  null DemandDrivers_interpolation_method_id_fkey R
Cleaning method used to interpolate between missing years when data is entered.
extrapolation_method_id int4 10  √  null DemandDrivers_extrapolation_method_id_fkey R
Cleaning method used to extrapolate to missing years when data is entered.
extrapolation_growth float4 8,8  √  null If extrapolation method exponential is used, what is the year over year growth rate.

Table contained 60 rows at Tue Jan 17 22:23 PST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc DemandDrivers_pkey

Close relationships  within of separation: